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Terms and Conditions

Wel­come to Vilder­s­bøll. The fol­low­ing Terms and Con­di­tions of sale con­cern the offer and sale of prod­ucts on the web­site, owned and main­tained by:

Kristi­na Vildersbøll
Thor­shavns­gade 6, kld. Th.
2300 Køben­havn S
VAT: DK-35772715

Return policy

You can request a return of your pur­chase with­in 14 days after deliv­ery. You as the cus­tomer have addi­tion­al 14 days to return the prod­uct for your own expense. You can­not undo your pur­chase by only refus­ing to receive it but must inform us clear­ly first. Only unused items can be returned – Include a copy of the orig­i­nal invoice. Please wrap and pack very care­ful­ly to ensure your returned prod­uct will not be dam­aged dur­ing shipping.


You have a 24-month war­ran­ty when you shop at, which means that you can get replaced, refund­ed or a reduc­tion in price, depend­ing on the spe­cif­ic sit­u­a­tion around the indi­vid­ual prod­uct. It is a require­ment that the com­plaint is jus­ti­fied and that the defect is not caused by mis­use of the prod­uct or oth­er inju­ri­ous behav­iour. Com­plaints about defects of the prod­uct must take place with­in two months after the defect is dis­cov­ered, we will refund rea­son­able freight costs if the com­plaint is jus­ti­fied. The prod­uct must be sent to:

Thor­shavns­gade 6, kld. Th.
2300 Køben­havn S

When return­ing a prod­uct please state what the prob­lem is as detailed as possible.

Remem­ber that the prod­uct must always be returned in pro­tec­tive pack­ag­ing, and remem­ber to get a receipt for ship­ment, so we can reim­burse your ship­ping costs.

Return of gifts

If you have received a gift, which has been bought from and you wish to return the prod­uct we can exchange it to anoth­er prod­uct of the equiv­a­lent val­ue. If you find a prod­uct, which is more expen­sive, you can pay the dif­fer­ence and we will send it to you instead. Expens­es in con­nec­tion with the return­ing and the deliv­ery of a new prod­uct are to be paid by you. In both cas­es you must con­tact us at +4527120654 or by email.

Delivery and Prices

As the prod­uct is ceram­ic, these pack­ages are extreme­ly well-wrapped and there­fore larg­er pack­ing box­es are used to fill the pack­age that pro­tects the prod­uct. This results in a high­er freight price, as mea­sured by weight and size. But with this care­ful pack­ag­ing we achieve that the pot­tery is not dam­aged. All orders are shipped with­in 1–3 busi­ness days from Den­mark if the item is in stock.

Den­mark: 50,00 DKK / €7 (free ship­ping for orders above 500,-)
Nordic Coun­tries: €15,00
Europe: € 30,00
US and Cana­da: € 80.00
Japan: € 80.00
Aus­tralia & New Zealand: € 80.00
Green­land & Faroe Islands: € 80.00
Rest of the world: € 100.00

Please note we can­not take respon­si­bil­i­ty for any import tax­es and duties relat­ed to your country.

Cookies and Privacy policy

By using this web­site, you accept the use of cook­ies. You are in your right to turn the fea­ture off in your browser.

All infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by you is only used to ensure the best pos­si­ble shop­ping expe­ri­ence. All infor­ma­tion is strict­ly con­fi­den­tial and is treat­ed in accor­dance with con­sumer and data pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion. Because of the Dan­ish Accoun­tan­cy Law we have to keep a record of this infor­ma­tion for 5 years and accord­ing to the Dan­ish Data Pro­tec­tion Act you have the right to know which infor­ma­tion is kept. All infor­ma­tion pay­ment is entered through an encrypt­ed and secure SSL line.

Colours and variations

It’s hard to repro­duce exact shades and hues of a ceram­ic glaze under elec­tric light. Every care has been made to ensure that the descrip­tion and spec­i­fi­ca­tions of our prod­ucts are cor­rect and that the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of colour is as accu­rate as the pro­duc­tion and pho­to­graph­ic process allow. How­ev­er, we are not to be held respon­si­ble for any vari­a­tion in colour caused by the brows­er soft­ware, mobile phone or com­put­er sys­tem used by the cus­tomer. Since every­thing is hand made, each prod­uct will be unique and it is part of the con­cept and design lan­guage. There can­not be com­plained of slight vari­a­tion in size, shape and colour.

Courses purchased online

If you buy a ceram­ic course online at, you are able to get a full refund with­in 3 days (72 hours) after pur­chase, if you change your mind.

After 72 hours and before 3 weeks, we give a refund deduct­ed 25% in admin­is­tra­tion fee, but you can still exchange your pur­chase for anoth­er course in the same cal­en­dar year (if spots are avail­able). 3 weeks before the start­ing date of the course, no refund will be available.

Vildersbøll © Copyright 2017